ProKeyCoach-leiri 14.-16.10.2024
ProKeyCoach-leiri pidetään 14.-16.10.2024 Hämeenlinnassa. Leirille mahtuu 20 pelaajaa. Ilmoittautumisia otetaan jo vastaan.
Leirin hinta on 350 €, ja se sisältää valmennuksen, jäät, lounaat ja välipalaa. Leirin tulee vetämään Sveitsin maajoukkue valmentaja Bennoit Point, joka on konseptin kehittäjä.
Aloitetaan klo 9, lounas on klo 12-13, ja päivä päättyy klo 17-18.
Day 1: 9-17
- Group profiling & explanation
- Profiled players: activity (Tik Tak?) 1-1,5 h
- Ice session Progression 1: 1,5 h
- Filming the strides of players
- Finding your natural strides
- Trying different strides and contrasts
- Recovery (power zone, individualized for your profile) 0,5 h
- Warm up & speed for your profile 0,5 h
- Ice session 2 Progression 2: 1,5 h
- Discover your hockey type
- Type of strides & arms
- Inside/outside edge preference
Day 2: 9-17
- Video session 1,5 h
- Analysing your strides/arms
- Frequency vd length of strides
- Individual warm ups
- Ice session 3 progression 3: 1,5 h
- Slalom, straight line, linear crossovers, type of Speed, explosion
- Jumps and speed work for your profile. What type of plyometrics for your knee types?
- Ice session 4 progression 4: 1,5 h
- Natural progression
- Explosion on the ice
- Stretching for your profile
Day 3
- Video session:
- Comparison
- Put the learnings together
- Ice session 5 progression 5 1,5 h
- Balance & puck protection
- Take home drills
- Drilling your hockey type
- Recovery for your profile
- Ice session 6 progression 6: 1,5 h
- Put it in the game
- End meeting:
- Personal documents
- Selling tic tak skills
- Presenting the personal coachin packagest